Friday, March 16, 2012

A Really Fine Day

What a great day! We reached a high of 19 degrees C, and it felt much warmer than that. The litmus test was the walk along Lake Ontario at Sam Smith park. Sam Smith is a nice place for a stroll. It's pretty big, and all kinds of activities are enjoyed at there. It is also a good place to go birdwatching. Come the spring, this place is hopping with warblers and other migrants. There is also a wimbrel watch. It amazes me that any birds go there at all, because the place is always so full of people and dogs.

Today, my husband and I went around the park looking out for early migrants. There was not a whole lot to see, but it was nice to be there with this lovely weather. There were a lot of red neck grebes, and some horned grebes still in winter plumage. It was lovely to see so many song sparrows about, as well as the robins and red-winged blackbirds. Many years ago, the robin was considered to be ubiquitous, but that title should now go to the red-winged blackbird. You will see them everywhere, once the winter season draws to an end.

At first, it is nice to hear their 3-note herald to spring: "doo-da-dee"! (To me, it sounds like they are singing "Burger King!") After a while, it starts to wear on you. All the same, I love to see them, and their cocky antics can be very amusing.

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